With a thriving economy and increasing growth rate, the bustling city of Tampa faces unique tax challenges, such as dealing with complex corporate taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and managing income from multiple sources. These issues can rapidly escalate if not managed professionally and efficiently. At Creative Tax Solutions, our specialized Tampa tax resolution services are tailored to address the individual tax problems of Tampa residents and businesses.

Creative Tax Solutions: A Specialized IRS Tax Debt Relief Company

Serving the Tampa area, Creative Tax Solutions is a leading tax relief company with extensive experience in dealing with the IRS and state taxing authorities on behalf of individuals, self-employed people, and business owners. Our expert team includes CPAs, accountants, former IRS Revenue Officers, and Enrolled Agents, all of whom possess inside knowledge of IRS workings, ensuring our clients receive outstanding service.

We offer a free consultation, a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and a money-back promise for the first 15 days of our service. Our aim is to provide immediate tax burden relief while helping clients clear up their financial situations.

Common tax problems faced by Tampa individuals and businesses

Tampa residents and businesses often encounter various tax-related problems, such as:

  • Tax Audits: When the IRS or state taxing authorities select a taxpayer for an audit, it can be a complex and stressful experience. Our expert team can help navigate this process.
  • Unfiled Tax Returns: Failing to file your tax returns on time can lead to severe penalties and issues with the IRS. We assist in filing delinquent tax returns and resolving any associated tax problems.
  • IRS Tax Penalties: Mishandling tax obligations can result in penalties that add to your financial burden. Our team can help minimize or eliminate those penalties through negotiation and resolution programs.
  • Wage Garnishments: Failing to pay taxes can result in the IRS garnishing your wages. Creative Tax Solutions can work towards stopping or significantly reducing wage garnishments.
  • Back Taxes: Wanting to resolve the problem of unpaid back taxes? We can help you in resolving back tax issues and develop a plan to clear your tax debt.

To learn more about different types of IRS tax problems, visit our Tax Problems page.

Resolving Tax Problems for Tampa Residents and Businesses

Creative Tax Solutions offers effective, tailored tax resolution services to suit specific requirements, such as:

  • Offer in Compromise: We can help negotiate a settlement with the IRS, allowing you to pay less than the total tax debt you owe.
  • Innocent Spouse Relief: If you face an unfair tax situation due to your spouse’s actions, we can help you seek relief from joint liability.
  • Fresh Start Initiative: This program allows eligible taxpayers to settle IRS debts over an extended period. Our team can assess your eligibility and guide you through the process.
  • Tax Debt Forgiveness: Through negotiations with the IRS, we can help reduce or eliminate your tax debt.
  • IRS Appeals: If the IRS issues a ruling that you believe is incorrect, our team can manage the appeals process on your behalf.

For more information about the tax solutions we provide, visit our Tax Solutions page.

Contact Us

Navigating through the complex tax landscape of Tampa and dealing with tax debt relief can be overwhelming. Fortunately, Creative Tax Solutions is here to help. Our Tampa tax resolution services cater to the unique needs of Tampa residents and businesses. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let our experts work on resolving your tax problems, giving you peace of mind and financial freedom.