While there are various reasons why many people don’t file their tax returns for one or more years, the result is the same: feeling overwhelmed. Missing all or a portion of their records, personal hardship and/or avoiding their taxes are just some of the reasons why many people might not file their returns. But, the IRS does notice, and it’s better to handle the situation sooner than later to avoid additional penalties and fines.

While there are various reasons why many people don’t file their tax returns for one or more years, the result is the same: feeling overwhelmed. Missing all or a portion of their records, personal hardship and/or avoiding their taxes are just some of the reasons why many people might not file their returns. But, the IRS does notice, and it’s better to handle the situation sooner than later to avoid additional penalties and fines.

The IRS maintains a file going back several years of all W2s, 1099s and 1098s filed (or not) in the name of the individual taxpayers. Creative Tax Solutions will be able to determine what you’re missing from the Master File Transcripts, which is available for those years where the IRS has prepared a Substitute Return. Our team will assist in re-filing your returns and will negotiate for more favorable, or less unfavorable, returns on your benefit. It is important that everything is filed as soon as possible in order to avoid compounding interest for any monies due, as well as to claim any refunds that may be due.

If you do owe funds, our team will help to create a plan for paying off your tax debts and protect you from an IRS investigation, assessment, levy or lien. We will also help to provide assistance for future tax years so you can file on time and without fines.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a specialist from Creative Tax Solutions.

Late return filing: Your best way out

Have you missed out on filing your tax return by the annual IRS deadline? Can’t you remember the last time you did filing at all? Then you might have run afoul of the tax collection agency, putting yourself on the line for levies, liens, or even criminal prosecution. It’s a fact that the Internal Revenue Service uses Master Files for recording individuals’ tax events, including late tax returns and penalties they have as consequences. Therefore, if you do want to protect your Social Security benefits, avoid severe enforcement actions, and qualify for some exemptions, turn to Creative Tax Solutions for assistance. There’s no time like the present!

We will reduce your late filing penalty

The team of Creative Tax Solutions is committed to ensuring the legal protection of all individuals who are filing taxes late, be it W-2, 1098, or 1099 forms. The process will start by analyzing your tax history and payment information available in the Master File Transcripts to find out how complicated your situation is. The next step will be to convince the IRS that erring is human while helping you to gather mountains of documents which are required by the collectors.

Once preparations are done, our tax experts will develop a long-term payment plan with your needs in mind. Then we will help you report the monies which haven’t been properly reported so that you can claim a refund. Remember, filing a tax return late is better than being convinced of deliberate evasion. Even if you pay some portion of the amount owed, you will still be able to reduce penalties and avoid high interest rates.

There is no better way to solve your tax issue than asking for qualified representation. For the best service, be sure to hire the go-to specialists from Creative Tax Solutions!

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